One of the key practices of the company is bankruptcy cases. The clients of the practice are the leading enterprises and institutions, both Russian and foreign, in various industries as following: heavy engineering, chemical industry, metallurgy and mining, financial market, oil and gas industry, etc.
For the years of Pavlova&Partners law firm’s activities, our lawyers had implemented dozens of large bankruptcy projects, some of those had a significant impact on the court practice forming.
The practice was indicated as one of the leading in the Russian market in IFLR1000 international rating and in the russsian"Law 300" rating.
Our services include:
- full legal support of bankruptcy procedures in the interests of a debtor;
- representing of creditors’ interests in arbitrary courts and in relationships with bankruptcy commissioners; support on procedure of entry into the Register of Creditors; appeal from illegal activities of bankruptcy commissioners and from debtors’ invalid deals.
- gathering of information about debtors and their affiliated and controlling parties for liquidity of debts.
- legal support for criminal investigations on activities of unscrupulous debtors and their controlling parties (executives, founders, etc.), including fraud, premeditated and fictitious bankruptcy cases;
- representing of bankruptcy commissioners’ interests including arrangement of meetings for creditors and creditors’ committees, court advocacy for the benefit of a bankruptcy commissioner, interaction with self-regulatory organisations of bankruptcy commissioners;
- development on various forms of debt restructuring, arrangement on procedure of settlement agreements conclusion during the bankruptcy processes;
- representing of interests of shared construction participants/developers during developer’s bankruptcy procedures;
- consulting for principals on issues related to cross-border bankruptcy.