
The Russian Federation Supreme Court Resolution on RUI Reference Books Can Cause Wave of Consumer Claims

Aleksey Altukhov, Project Manager, expressed his opinion on the matter to the Insurance News Agency.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the prices for spare parts stated in the reference books of the Russian Union of Insurers (RIA) unreasonably understated. INA interviewed lawyers and insurers on the consequences they expect in this connection.

According to Aleksey Altukhov, Project Manager of Pavlova & Partners Law Firm, the claims of the insured on recovery of the difference in compensation paid in accordance with the incorrect reference books submitted directly to insurers have good chances for success, provided the courts consider this situation as unjust enrichment insurers (unjustified caretaking).

Read more: www.asn-news.ru

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Ирина Кошечкина
